Title: Summer UV-Reacting Color Formulas


Summer UV-Reacting Color Formulas

Summer is the season of vibrant colors and fun in the sun. As the sun shines brightly, it also brings with it the opportunity to experiment with UV-reacting colors. These colors change their appearance when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, making them perfect for summer activities and decorations. In this article, we will explore some fascinating UV-reacting color formulas that you can use to create stunning effects during the summer months.

1. Basic UV-reacting color formula:

To create a basic UV-reacting color, you will need the following ingredients:

– 1 teaspoon of UV-reactive powder (available in various colors)

– 1 cup of clear gel or polymer clay

– 1 tablespoon of borax or sodium borate


1. Mix the UV-reactive powder with the clear gel or polymer clay.

2. Gradually add borax or sodium borate to the mixture until it reaches the desired consistency.

3. Knead the mixture until well combined.

4. Roll out the mixture and cut out shapes or molds your desired design.

5. Allow the shapes to dry completely.

6. Once dry, your UV-reacting colors will change to their bright, vibrant hues when exposed to UV light.

2. Neon UV-reacting color formula:

For a more vibrant and eye-catching effect, you can create neon UV-reacting colors. Here’s how:


– 1 teaspoon of UV-reactive powder in neon colors

– 1 cup of clear gel or polymer clay

– 1 tablespoon of sodium alginate

– Food coloring (optional)


1. Mix the neon UV-reactive powder with the clear gel or polymer clay.

2. Add sodium alginate to the mixture and mix well.

3. If desired, add food coloring to achieve your preferred neon shade.

4. Follow the same steps as in the basic formula to create shapes and allow them to dry.

3. Temporary UV-reacting color formula:

If you prefer a temporary UV-reacting color effect, you can create temporary tattoos or stickers using this formula:


– 1 teaspoon of UV-reactive powder

– 1 cup of clear gel or polymer clay

– 1 tablespoon of white glue or PVA glue

– 1 tablespoon of borax or sodium borate


1. Mix the UV-reactive powder with the clear gel or polymer clay.

2. Add white glue or PVA glue to the mixture and mix well.

3. Add borax or sodium borate to reach the desired consistency.

4. Apply the mixture onto your skin or a surface and let it dry completely.

5. Once dry, your temporary UV-reacting colors will change to their bright hues when exposed to UV light.


These UV-reacting color formulas offer endless possibilities for summer fun and creativity. Whether you want to create vibrant decorations, temporary tattoos, or exciting summer crafts, these formulas will help you bring your ideas to life. So, gather your supplies and start experimenting with these stunning UV-reacting colors this summer!

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